Information & FAQ |
Board member contact list |
We are looking forward to another year of hosting a home school family camp. Hopefully this page will offer some reminders and explanations that will answer your questions. Please feel free to contact any of the Board Members with any questions that you might have: *Troy and Amy Albers (281) 633-1533 *Ryan and Tara Brown (580) 301-4718 *Drew and Kayla Hyde (512) 626-8803 *Pat and Cheryl McIntosh (254) 592-4246 *Phil and Michelle McIntosh (254) 369-6104 *Mike and Brenna Rhodes (254) 717-9340 |
Bible Bowl
Kids are encouraged to participate in this Bible-based challenge. Each year we will choose a book of the Bible that corresponds with our theme and we will have two separate games with Bible questions. Kids will be broken up into teams so as not to make this an individual activity and to give each child a greater opportunity to participate freely without as much pressure. Questions will range in difficulty and type. This is intended to be a camp-wide activity so everybody is expected to be present for the Bible Bowl even if not participating.
If you have any children who wish to participate please specify in your registration.
If you have any children who wish to participate please specify in your registration.
Memory Verse Master
We want to encourage all students to learn memory verses that will be helpful to them throughout their lives, and this year we will recognize students who memorize Bible verses. We will post a list of verses from which to choose prior to Roundup. At least one-half of a student’s memory verses MUST come from this list, but if they wish, parents may select other verses for the second half based upon their current study. To count for credit, students must say at least five verses at one time for credit. Recognition will be awarded in increments of ten. Parents should report which verses a child has learned upon arrival at Roundup. We hope that this format will allow youth to focus on local Bible Bowls and their personal Bible studies, while still providing a forum for Bible focus and discussion at Roundup. We encourage all children to participate. If your child has any special needs that we need to be aware of, please let us know during registration.
Mom's Shootout |
This will be an opportunity for all the moms to get together to discuss their home schooling challenges and victories. There will be some seasoned home educators there to lead the discussions, answer questions, and offer encouragement. Please bring any homeschooling material that you would like to sell, trade, or give away. Activities will be available for the campers and dads are requested to help supervise children during this time.
There will be two campfires on Wednesday night. Both campfires will be located at the pit by the basketball pavilion. The Early Bird Campfire will be at 8:30 PM, geared more for the younger campers and their parents. The Night Owl campfire will be from 9:30 for the pre-teens, teenagers, and parents. Everyone needs to wear enclosed shoes and carry a flashlight as you walk around in the dark.
S’mores will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
S’mores will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Roundup Rodeo has been Replaced!
The traditional Rodeo activities are being replaced this year with a Family Scavenger Hunt and a game of Ticks & Chiggers. The events will be age appropriate so that everyone will be able to participate. Please be sure to leave comments about the new activities on the suggestion forms.
Family Introductions
After the Tuesday evening devotional, new camping families will be officially introduced to everyone and the Board members will be introduced so campers know where they are where to go if they have a question or concern.
Roundup YouTube: Roundup Lessons
Texas Homeschool Coalition:
Bible Class Material: Engraving Heavenly Truths
Hopkins Publishing: Material and Resources
Online Homeschool Resource: Digital Homeschool curriculum
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